Author: Alexander Maksik
- Eudora Welty (2)
- IN: A Market to Measure Drift (2013) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: The excursion is the same when you go looking for your sorrow as when you go looking for your joy.
FROM: The Wide Net, (1943), Short story, US
- IN: A Marker to Measure Drift (2013) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: The excursion is the same when you go looking for your sorrow as when you go looking for your joy.
FROM: The Wide Net, (1943), Novel, US
- Robert Graves (2)
- IN: A Market to Measure Drift (2013) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: Take your delight in momentariness,
Walk between dark and dark -- a shining space
With the grave's narrowness, though not its peace.
FROM: Sick Love, (1929), Poem, UK
- IN: A Marker to Measure Drift (2013) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: Take your delight in momentariness,
Walk between dark and dark -- a shining space
With the grave's narrowness, though not its peace.
FROM: "Sick Love", (1955), Poem, UK
- Albert Camus (1)
- IN: You Deserve Nothing (2011) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: I do not want to choose between the right and wrong sides of the world, and I do not like a choice to be made.
FROM: The Wrong Side and the Right Side, (1937), Essay, France
- Galway Kinnell (1)
- IN: Shelter In Place (2016) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: For us back then, to live seemed almost to die.
FROM: "Astonishment", (2012), Poem, US
- C. P. Cavafy (1)
- IN: Shelter In Place (2016) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: I created you while I was happy, while I was sad, with so many incidens, so many details.
And, for me, the whole of you has been transformed into feeling.
FROM: "In the Same Space", (1975), Poem, Egypt